NC K9 Emergency Response Team, Inc. (NC K9 E.R.T.), is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non-profit organization. There is no charge for our services. We depend entirely on donations for financial support.
Members incur all costs including mileage, equipment, and dog expenses. By donating to NC K9 E.R.T., a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status, you can help offset the cost borne by each member. NC K9 E.R.T. accepts donations of cash or equipment.
Your cash, tax-deductible donation will be used for such things as communications and team equipment, training, workers compensation, liability insurance and search expenses of those who respond. There are many ways to help and support NC K9 E.R.T.
Current Projects:
Sonar Upgrades: $42000 The current equipment needs upgrades to allow us to provide us with greater visibility of underwater targets. Specifically greater resolution and larger screens.
Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV): $85000 The ROV we are hoping to acquire will give us the ability to go deeper and have “up close” sonar capability in addition to camera capability. Any sponsors for the ROV will get to have their name proudly displayed on the ROV in addition to a prominent place on our website.

Please contact us for more information on how to donate supplies or services.
Financial Support
Financial donations are always welcome. Your financial support will offset costs for search deployments, equipment, supplies, travel, training, and education. To donate, make check payable to NC K9 E.R.T. and mail to:
NC K9 E.R.T. Inc.
400 Evans Lane
Wendell, North Carolina 27591